Article by david-williams

Tony Robbins The Power of Beliefs

Tony Robbins The Power of Beliefs Start Your Upcoming Photography Workweek  Right! Video Length: 8 Minutes 17 Seconds – Blog Post Length: 241 Words Some Notes From The Video: Get enough leverage and interrupt the pattern, people can change. Associate pain eventually someone must change because the pain is so intense. If there is enough

The Best Way To Make Money At Photography Is To Do This

There is a saying that the best way to make money at photography is to sell your gear. My take on that is that photography, like any real business, is not easy. If you want to make it as a photographer, don’t give up on your dream. If what you are doing is not working,

How Much Should Photographers Charge? (PetaPixel Article Thoughts)

An article was recently published on PetaPixel about what photographers should charge. The article has received a lot of negative feedback on Facebook which is typical of social media. It has also received a lot of interesting feedback on the actual article link that you can find here. Pricing is one of the most controversial