Article by david-williams

Pro Camera Gear vs. Consumer Camera Gear: Does It Really Matter?

DANGER – WARNING – WATCH OUT! This post will get a few photographers down right ANGRY and spitting mad. How do I know? I’ve posted similar things before comparing pro to consumer and I’ve posted this image above before on Instagram with text on it that got some folks in an uproar. What I find amusing

How To Shoot A Poorly Lit Stage At A Corporate Event?

I love photographing corporate events. Believe it or not, one of my key motivators is overcoming obstacles that come my way. In the example below, I scoped out the stage in advance and the room lights were on full power, but there was no stage lighting. When I returned later, the room lights were turned

IMHO Some Photographers Just Don’t Get Basic Marketing

I found this SlideShare when I was searching Google for “Marketing 101.” It doesn’t have all the answers, but I thought it might spark some ideas for you. Basic Marketing 101 from Marketing Impressions IMHO stands for “In My Humble Opinion” just in case you are wondering about it in the header. That’s my way

Talking About Income In Photography: How Does That Make You Feel?

Whether it’s photography or another career, it’s only human nature to have various reactions to money discussions and many of them are not positive. Before I dive in deeper, let me set the record straight on my personal stand, I turn 50 this year. I started doing photography in High School in 1982. I am

Action Is A Critical Factor To Any Photographers Business Success

I know a lot of photographers but 3 in particular come to mind as an inspiration for this post. All 3 have the same common trait: ACTION! Taking consistent everyday actions is critical to anything in life. Success in photography is no different. Therefore you must be taking action to make things happen. If you are