
Studio Lighting For Photographers Can Be Intimidating But…

Studio lighting for photographers can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. I’ll help elevate some of the fear in this post. Oh, before I dive in, this post will focus on strobe lighting not constant lighting. Both types of lighting have advantages and disadvantages, but this post is more about overcoming the fear

50 Portraits By Gregory Heisler: Who Inspires You As A Photographer?

50 Portraits by Gregory Heisler is definitely a book for serious photographers. It has 50 full page portraits in it and a lot of text. Gregory talks about each image from an overview perspective and he ends with “Thoughts on Technique.” If you’ll notice that the title of this post also says, “Who Inspires You

There Are No Quick Fix Solutions For Getting Photography Leads

I write a lot about the business side of photography. From my own personal experience, there is no quick fix for getting photography leads. I have not found any single source to be the cure all to easy street. Photography, just like any other business, requires a lot of time and often some level of