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Commercial Photography Image Taken In Charlotte NC By Photographer David Williams

The commercial use image above is one of over 400 images that I took recently on a commercial photography shoot in Charlotte NC. Although we are Raleigh based, we provide both photography and video services all over the United States. Our company typically provides services in the Charlotte area several times a year. Photography is a

Downtown Raleigh Commercial Photography Sample By Photographer David Williams

The image above was taken at the City Club in Downtown Raleigh NC. It is intended for Commercial Use by the subject and is copyright protected. As a commercial photographer, I do photography mostly of people, but I also do my fair share of product images. Any image that is meant for commercial use can

Commercial Photography: Seeing Your Images In Print Advertising

There are lots of photographers that don’t understand what commercial photography is all about. I know because I recently explained this to a fellow photographer friend who was asking about commercial photography to better understand it. This post will not be just about me seeing my personal images in print, but it will also provide