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3 Things You Should Expect At Minimum From A Professional Photographer

If you are considering hiring a professional photographer, you should expect 3 things at a very minimum: Experience, Quality And Backups. A true professional provides much more than the minimum. But let’s explore the minimums. Experience: A professional photographer will have experience on his or her side. There are some things that only experience can

Photographers Who Think Outside The Box Go Beyond Those Who Do Not

Thinking outside the box is when you don’t conform to the norm, you get creative with your approach and you come up with solutions that get your photography business to the next level. Let’s Take A Look At Some Examples That May Spark Some Outside The Box Thinking… Not In Your Portfolio The potential client

Photographers – Here’s A Business Tip: Stop Making Excuses

This post assumes that you are in relatively good health both mentally and physically. I’m assuming that you have the potential to actually MAKE IT HAPPEN! if you just STOP MAKING EXCUSES! and TAKE ACTION! You may never read another blog post from me after this one. You may assume that I’m a certain way