Dramatic Headshot Taken In North Raleigh Studio And A Few Things To Consider
What’s The Intended Use Of Your Professional Headshot?
The headshot below is just one of many headshot styles available and there is no set way a headshot has to be done in most cases. It’s often a matter of personal taste and intended purpose. That typically makes the difference in the style used. On the other hand, someone may want their business headshot to be more dynamic, edgy, creative than traditional which is fine as long as it represents your personality and works for your intended use.
The style below may not fit every need. However, a more traditional, centered, smiling headshot may not fit every need either. You can read more below the image.

Dramatic Headshot Taken In North Raleigh Studio
FYI, this guy has an amazing smile, but I chose to post a serious shot. Just going from serious to smiling or vice versa will make a difference in the perception of the person viewing the image.
There are many styles and many uses for professional headshots:
1) Business Headshots – Used for LinkedIn, Websites, Brochures, Business Cards and More
2) Acting, Theatrical And Modeling Headshots – Used for many purposes but may be taken different than a business headshot.
3) Fashion and Glamour Headshots – Although still a headshot like 1 and 2 above, the intended purpose may be different.
This could even be taken a step further by separating out the styles listed in #2 and #3 above because a theatrical style headshot will be different than modeling style headshots, but the lighting style used could also make the headshot work for either purpose. In addition, #1, #2 and #3 are not meant to be all inclusive, but they should provide a general idea for you to start thinking of what style of headshot you may need for your intended purpose.
The headshot example in this post could be used for multiple purposes, but if the subject is in a certain type of industry, the example above may not be suited for a LinkedIn profile to properly portray the individual.
Headshot photography may seem very simple and easy, but in reality, it should portray you properly based on your personality and your intended use. If a photographer just plops you down on a stool with one light left and one light right on one basic background, the photographer is not doing your headshot photoshoot justice. Whether you choose me or another photographer for your headshot, make sure that you get a variety of shots and discuss the intended end use of your image(s) with the photographer that you choose to go with. If you are a photographer, please keep in mind that one style does not fit all intended uses.
Here are 4 core pages on my website that you may want to take a look at:
Acting, Modeling, Theatrical Headshots
Lifestyle – Beyond The Headshot
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David Williams
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